Hello, everyone. Brian called me the other day and sent several emails.
From Brian:
I want to thank everyone for the kind letters I've received and generous gifts.
We have been making headway with the compassionate release and pardons for me and my friend Timothy Shea, who was also targeted from the We Build The Wall indictments.
Please keep the pressure on, and let's also get all of the nonviolent Jan. 6th patriots pardons too.
Here’s a short behind-the-scenes video of Brian I took in January of 2019 while he was waiting to meet Donald Trump Jr. at the border wall he had constructed. Secret Service agents are in the background.
I can’t say a lot about legal things going on in the background, but what I can say is that Brian told me top people in DC are taking notice of the campaign to free him, especially because of a prior article I put out (which Jim Hoft from Gateway Pundit graciously posted on his site) that had the phone number of a top Bureau of Prisons official.
His office got slammed with calls, and the power brokers in DC are starting to realize how big of an army is behind Brian.
Brian also asked me to thank the following people who sent funds to his commissary:
Galley, Thigpen, Salzman, Schmid, Higa, Hargrove, King, and Benson.
Brian doesn’t want any funds sent to him, but he thanks everyone for the thoughts. You can subscribe to this page to help the mission to free him, though.
I’ve been stuck on the border with my Jeep in the shop, but I should be mobile tomorrow. The invasion is still going on, albeit at a slower pace since Trump was elected. This was Friday in California at a new crossing area. I also found an Islamic prayer rug & tunic, many discarded passports from around the world, and the ID of a newborn baby who was brought across here.
I use my viral Facebook and X accounts to drum up support for Brian and to get the attention of Trump’s people and anyone political involved.
You can help by sharing those posts or making your own, which implore Trump to pardon Brian. Be sure to tag Trump and any of his staff, cabinet, or family in your posts.
The post below is a photo of Brian’s border wall I took during construction. I posted it on my Facebook, promoting border wall construction. Facebook throttles posts that have Brian’s name in them, so I get around it. Click on the photo to go to that post on my FB.
Then, I take a screenshot of the Facebook posts and put it on X. I tag Trump on X and ask for Brian to be pardoned; then others share it and also post for Trump to pardon him. X does not censor posts with Brian’s name in them. Click on the photo to go to that post on my X.
Thank you, everyone, for helping! There’s more I can’t talk about yet, but those who made phone calls to prison officials in DC have had a great effect!
I’ll be working on more ways to put pressure on officials to get Brian a compassionate release and more communications on social media to get Trump to pardon him.
This is the official site for the movement to Free Brian Kolfage. All communications from him will appear here. I’m Jeff Rainforth, his longtime friend and colleague. I was the videographer and news editor for Kolfage’s We Build the Wall.
Kolfage was wrongfully imprisoned by the infamous SDNY Democrat operatives over being paid an approved salary for his part in getting miles of privately funded border wall built in Texas and New Mexico.
Kolfage was sentenced to 51 months by the same DOJ operation that targeted Trump. Stephen K. Bannon was pardoned by President Trump for these same charges. Following the pardon, Alvin Bragg charged Bannon through the state of New York.
Kolfage founded We Build the Wall to build border walls when the government would not because of Democratic Party obstruction.
How to write Brian:
Only use black ink on white paper, printed or handwritten.
Send correspondence to:
Federal Medical Center Rochester
Brian Kolfage 26978-017
PO Box 4000
Rochester, MN. 55903
Join the fight to get Brian Kolfage released from prison so he doesn’t die in there! He gave three limbs for our country; that’s more than enough!
While heading up the movement to free Brian, I will be filming what’s going on on the border. You can follow my work on the platforms below.
Follow me on Facebook HERE
Subscribe to my YouTube HERE
Follow me on X (Formerly Twitter) HERE
Praying for miraculous change. The injustice is beyond the pale.
I am not on any of the sites you mentioned, but I will keep an eye out here for the progress that’s being made. Thanks for the update, and tell Brian we are thinking about him and hoping for the best.