
Banned the first leftist scum. Who's next???

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Sep 20Liked by Jeff Rainforth

Thank you for getting this out there. Outrageous. I am not surprised to read that his health is deteriorating. Prison is hard on healthy people -- let alone someone in Kolfage's condition. I read that when he was arrested (if I recall correctly, by a team of enforcement officials connected to the USPS, who had driven from NY State to Florida just to arrest him), he was forced to crawl (that's right -- no wheelchair allowed) to get to their waiting vehicle. If this is true, it seems to me that those officials should be investigated for violation of the American with Disabilities Act.

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Yes, thank you! Brian's health is deteriorating. And yes, he had to crawl on the ground when he was arrested by Dem feds.

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Jeff, Thank you for the clarification. Enough to make one's blood boil. Perhaps an illustration of the saying: "The process is the punishment."

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How could Brian Kolfage possibly have done anything wrong with the money that was donated to a GoFundMe page? The assumption when you donate to a GoFundMe page is that the money will be used be the recipient in whatever way they see fit. There are no restrictions. We give to those pages so that the recipient will be able to use any of the funds in any way. How terrible that entities within the U.S. government have harassed and convicted an innocent man, even worse a U.S. veteran. with severe injuries in a U.S. war.

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From: Brian Kolfage - WeBuildTheWall, Inc. [mailto:info@webuildthewall.us]

Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2019 12:03 PM

To: donnasudbrook@verizon.net

Subject: Your invitation

Join us at the wall

You’re invited to our Symposium at the Wall


We’re excited to announce the newly built people’s wall has been chosen as the site for the “Symposium at the Wall: Cartels, Trafficking, and Asylum.”

This special event will be held next week from July 25-27, headlining big-name political figures as well as large social media influencers as special guests. The collaboration of all featured participants is an incredible opportunity to hear from guest speakers who have banded together to discuss immigration and the emergency at the southern border.

We would like to personally invite you to attend, free of charge, for any portion of the event. You'll find a list below of the speakers, as well as a link to the official Symposium at the Wall website where you can register to attend. For your planning convenience, you will also find accommodations options on the registration page.

Sponsors of the symposium include Numbers USA, Angel Families, Black Americans for a Better Future, Citizens of the American Republic, Citizens United, Human Events, and We Build the Wall, Inc.

Some of the important issues that will be discussed and debated include: human and drug trafficking; border security; immigration; citizenship; asylum; detention centers; law enforcement and ICE; the role of Congress; foreign policy; and the economic implications of unfettered illegal immigration.

The symposium commences with a reception Thursday evening and features a full range of speakers, workshops, and panel discussions on Friday and Saturday. Speakers, media, and guests will be provided a full tour and technical briefing of the recently completed segment of the Border Wall. A host of leading digital influencers and experts will offer special social media workshops for speakers and attendees.

Please Register to Attend Here:


Confirmed speakers include:

Stephen K. Bannon, Citizens of the American Republic

Brigadier General Robert Spalding, Ret. Air Force Brig. General

Brian Kolfage, We Build the Wall

Kris Kobach, We Build the Wall

Candace Owens, Conservative Activist

Sheriff David Clarke, Former Sheriff, Milwaukee, WI

Congressman Louis Gohmert (R-TX)

Tom Tancredo, Former Congressman (R-CO)

Former Congressman Lou Barletta (R-PA)

David N. Bossie, Citizens United

Rosemary Jenks, Numbers USA

Steven Camarota, CIS

Chris Chemelinsky, Numbers USA

Mike Cernovich, Conservative activist

Raheem Kassam, Global Editor-in-Chief, Human Events

Mary Ann Mendoza, Angel Mom

Steve Ronnebeck, Angel Dad

Raynard Jackson, Black Americans for a Better Future

David Rodriguez, El Paso Native, Former Professional Boxer and Conservative Activist

John Moran, CEO Moran Industries

John Catsimatidis Jr., Red Apple Group

Shalabh Kumar, Hindu Republican Coalition

Tommy Fisher, President & CEO Fisher Industries

-With more to be announced-

We thank you for your continued support, and look forward to meeting some of you at the event.

You still have time to add a brick or bollard with your name, or company name click here to get yours!

Thank You,

We Build the Wall Team.

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Jeff, what will it take to get Brian home?

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Mentioned in the Wednesday, January 16, 2019 8:56 PM

email below "In the last 5 days alone we've received more than a thousand legitimate media requests and more than 100,000 emails." $20 million donated ................. Brian Kolfage earned every penny plus more of the salary and benefits that he received from the We Build the Wall project.

From: Brian Kolfage - We Build The Wall Inc. [mailto:contact@webuildthewall.us]

Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2019 8:56 PM

To: donnasudbrook@verizon.net

Subject: I've got to get this off my chest

I didn't see this coming

We got caught off guard

Less than a month ago, I put up a GoFundMe page to build a wall on our southern border and I could have never guessed what was coming. The campaign went absolutely viral and now that GoFundMe campaign has raised more than $20 million dollars. It raised so much money so quickly that I turned to my friends and associates to help me deal with the overwhelming number of emails, media requests, and more than my fair share of hate mail. I'm blessed that so many were willing to sacrifice their time, energy, and money to help me live up to my word.

While everyone else was enjoying the holidays, my team was tasked with figuring out how we could honor the commitments I made on that first GoFundMe. We reached out to leading law, political, construction, finance, and border security experts to find a plan that would use all that money to actually build a wall on the southern border.

I say all this because I am really proud of what my team was able to accomplish in such a short period of time. We assembled an all-star team, put together a plan, and created a new organization from scratch. We responded to thousands of messages and emails.

Everything was steamrolling along but when we announced our plan, but for the first time since launching this project, we got caught off guard. We never imagined that the media would simply declare our project dead and we were unprepared to handle the thousands of messages an hour that all the media confusion generated.

In the last 5 days alone we've received more than a thousand legitimate media requests and more than 100,000 emails. As a result we've let some things slip through the cracks and for that I want to apologize to you directly. Everyday we're building and getting better to earn the support you gave us.

That's a picture of me with --from right to left-- Congressman Jim Jordan, Congressman Warren Davidson, Congressman Mark Meadows, and We Build the Wall's VP of Strategy Dustin Stockton.

There has been a LOT of confusion about the opt-in process and I can assure you that we are doing everything we can to clear it up. The media really beat us up with their disinformation campaign.

If you have already told GoFundMe that you want to support the plan, or even if you don't support the new plan, no further action is required. Just know how much we appreciate you!

If you haven't told GoFundMe that you want to back our new plan, you can do that by clicking on ***THIS LINK***

ANY NEW DONATIONS RECEIVED AT WWW.GOFUNDME.COM/THETRUMPWALL are not subject to the opt-in/opt-out process. All the confusion has really slowed our pace down and so if you'd like to make a new contribution, it would go along way towards helping us get this project back on pace.

Thank you and God bless,

Brian Kolfage

President, We Build the Wall, Inc.

If you would like to send your donation by check please make payable to:

WeBuildTheWall Inc.

PO Box 131567

Houston, TX, 77219-1567

Brian Kolfage - We Build The Wall Inc.

PO Box 131567 , Houston, TX 77219-1567

Unsubscribe - Unsubscribe Preferences

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The whole "opt in" extra step that was required of We Build The Wall was not necessary in my opinion. So many donations go to so many organizations every day and as a donor you have a general idea of what an organization is going to do with your donation, but We Build the Wall sent pictures, updates, just an incredible amount of information about what was happening and why.

It was truly an honor to be a part of the effort. It just is so distressing that the person who should be celebrated and honored for his efforts on behalf of all Americans is sitting in a federal prison apart from his wife and young children. The injustice is extreme.

From: Brian Kolfage - We Build The Wall Inc. [mailto:contact@webuildthewall.us]

Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2019 9:42 AM

To: donnasudbrook@verizon.net

Subject: I Need Your Help to Save The GoFundMe "Scoreboard"

Today Refunds Are Being Processed

Yesterday, GoFundMe let us know that they were going to start processing the refunds for the 6% of donors who have chosen to opt-out of our new plan to build a wall on private property on our southern border. The amount raised at www.gofundme.com/thetrumpwall is dropping to reflect those refunds and I urgently need your help to prevent another massive media attack.

If the "scoreboard" drops below $20,000,000 the media is going to pounce. I need you to make a contribution today at www.gofundme.com/thetrumpwall to prevent that from happening.

The total amount set to be refunded is less than $800,000, a far cry from the $20,000,000 that the media told everyone was being refunded and a tiny fraction of the more than $11,000,000 from donors who have chosen to support our private solution.

I need you to contribute right away to make sure that the media can't blow these small amount of refunds out of proportion.


It's important that we keep the "scoreboard" from falling below $20,000,000 and we need to raise about $50,000 before GoFundMe finishes processing the refunds today. If you make a contribution at www.gofundme.com/thetrumpwall I know we can keep it above $20 million.

If we allow the GoFundMe tally to fall below $20 Million, we know that the media is going to start a whole new round of misinformation about our historic project. Our team is getting the work done and we are finalizing some big announcements that I know you're going to love.

Please help us prevent another media hit against us by making a contribution before GoFundMe finishes processing the refunds tomorrow.

Donate here

Thank you and God bless,

Brian Kolfage

President, We Build the Wall, Inc.

If you would like to make an additional donation by check please make it payable to:

WeBuildTheWall Inc.

PO Box 131567

Houston, TX, 77219-1567

Brian Kolfage - We Build The Wall Inc.

PO Box 131567 , Houston, TX 77219-1567

Unsubscribe - Unsubscribe Preferences

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From the beginning, the level of communication from Brian Kolfage / We Build The Wall to donors was the best communication that I have ever had as a donor to any organization. It makes the

injustice of this situation so much more distressing.

From: messages@gofundme.com [mailto:messages@gofundme.com]

Sent: Friday, December 21, 2018 5:22 PM

To: donnasudbrook@verizon.net

Subject: Brian posted an update on "We The People Will Fund The Wall"

Hi Donna A new update has been posted to We The People Will Fund The Wall WE CAN GIVE THE FUNDS TO THE GOVT!! we need HR 7207 lumped in with Gov Funding Bill! CONTACT YOUR REPS NOW INFORM EVERYONE I spoke to Rep Warren Davidson and the bill is r...

Create a Campaign

This email was sent on behalf of Brian Kolfage via GoFundMe.

Don't want these emails?


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Going back over old emails. I don't see where it was ever stated that the people involved in the We Build the Wall project could not use the money donated for salaries or benefits. What donor ever gives to anything substantial and thinks that the people involved are not going to be paid, especially for projects of this complexity. The injustice is distressing.


Thanks for your $20 donation to

We The People Will Fund The Wall

Dear Donna Sudbrook ,

This is a receipt for your donation to We The People Will Fund The Wall.

Date: December 21, 2018

Donation to: We The People Will Fund The Wall

Donation will be received by: Brian Kolfage

Amount: $20.00

Tip to: GoFundMe

Amount: $5.00

Total amount: $25.00

The donation will appear on your statement as WPY*WE THE PEOPLE and the tip will appear as WPY*GoFundMe

Manage in My Donations

Free fundraising platform

GoFundMe is powered by the kindness of our donors. Generous tips like yours allow us to keep our platform free so that we can help even more people. Thank you for helping us make GoFundMe the safest, most trusted, and most successful option for personal fundraising.

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Fri 12/21/2018 10:34 AM

Mike Huckabee <newsletter@mikehuckabee.com>

GoFundMe page for the border wall

By Mike Huckabee

If Congress won’t fund a border wall, there might be another source of funds: heroic war veteran and triple amputee Brian Kolfage got fed up with the stalling and started a GoFundMe page where US citizens could contribute to help pay for the wall directly. The goal is $1 billion, which sounds unlikely, but after less than a week, pledges have already topped $11 million.

However, it’s possible Kolflage might have to refund the donors’ money due to legal technicalities. GoFundMe requires that all money raised be used for the purpose intended. But federal law says that any funds given to the government can only go into the general fund. Rep. Bob Goodlatte, chair of the House Judiciary Committee, called the campaign “admirable,” but said, “Obviously, we can’t let citizens raise money and say, ‘The government will spend my money on this purpose.’?”

He’s right: we used to have something that insured that money we gave the government was spent on things the citizens wanted. It was called “Congress.” But these days, that mostly seems to be in the business of spending our money and our kids’ money and our grandkids’ money only on things that none of us want.


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I have often wondered if the below information is an appropriate office for donors to contact

to express their approval of any and all remuneration of all of those involved with the We Build the Wall project including and especially any remuneration of any type and any amount for Brian Kolfage.

Copied from link below "contact Wendy Olsen, Victim & Witness Services, U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, at 866-874-8900"

As an early donor to We Build The Wall's GofundMe account, I was very pleased with how Brian Kolfage and We Build The Wall used all of my donations. I fully supported and continue to support any and all remuneration that Brian Kolfage received before, during, and/or after the project.

As a long time PTA volunteer/leader in the Baltimore, Maryland area, just the completion of the first We Build The Wall project alone, was worth any amount of money paid to those willing to make that project a reality.

February 13, 2017 article ........... https://www.marylandrecovery.com/blog/how-the-heroin-epidemic-is-affecting-baltimore-maryland



copied from link above

"Under the Crime Victims’ Rights Act, victims have “[t]he right to be reasonably heard at any public proceeding in the district court involving release, plea, sentencing, or any parole proceeding.” 18 U.S.C. § 3771(a)(4).

If you believe you are a victim of the fraud perpetrated by .............................., in connection with a fundraising campaign called “We Build the Wall,” and would like to be heard in connection with his motion, please contact Wendy Olsen, Victim & Witness Services, U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, at 866-874-8900, and reference the proceeding in U.S. v. ..................."

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Never mind..i googled him..

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